Header image for Baader Investment Conference 2024

All Companies

214 companies have confirmed their participation as of today

Click the following buttons to filter the companies by sector:

Automotive Aerospace-Defence Banks Building Prod. & Materials Capital Goods Chemicals Consumer Durables Food & Beverages Food Retail Health Hotel, Catering & Leisure Infrastructure

Insurance IT Hardware IT Services Media Metals & Mining Non-Food Retail Oils Other Capital Goods Other Financials Pharma Power Equipment Real Estate Semiconductors Software 

Support Services Telecoms Transport Utilities

Paper & Packaging

Click on the following buttons to filter by day of attendance: 

23.09.2024 24.09.2024 25.09.2024 26.09.2024

Click here to export the list to an excel file  


RWE Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-23, Meetings only, DAX, Utilities, RWE GY, RWEG.DE

Iberdrola Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-25, Meetings only, Selected others, Utilities, IBE SM, IBE.MC

E.on Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-26, Meetings only, DAX, Utilities, EOAN GY, EONGn.DE