Header image for Baader Investment Conference 2024

All Companies

214 companies have confirmed their participation as of today

Click the following buttons to filter the companies by sector:

Automotive Aerospace-Defence Banks Building Prod. & Materials Capital Goods Chemicals Consumer Durables Food & Beverages Food Retail Health Hotel, Catering & Leisure Infrastructure

Insurance IT Hardware IT Services Media Metals & Mining Non-Food Retail Oils Other Capital Goods Other Financials Pharma Power Equipment Real Estate Semiconductors Software 

Support Services Telecoms Transport Utilities

Paper & Packaging

Click on the following buttons to filter by day of attendance: 

23.09.2024 24.09.2024 25.09.2024 26.09.2024

Click here to export the list to an excel file  


Profile image for 1&1 AG

1&1 AG Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-24, Meetings only, SDAX, Telecoms, 1U1 GY, 1U1.DE

A1 Telekom Austria Group Company

Public Session: Forum 3
2024-09-25, Meetings only, Austria, Telecoms, TKA AV, TELA.VI

Profile image for Aalberts

Aalberts Company

Public Session: Forum 2
2024-09-26, Fireside Chat & Meetings, Selected others, Capital Goods, AALB NA, AALB.AS

Profile image for Aareal Bank

Aareal Bank Company

Public Session: /
Banks, Selected Others, ARLG.DE, ARNL GY, 2024-09-23, Meetings only

Profile image for ABB

ABB Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-24, Meetings only, Switzerland, Capital Goods, ABBN SE, ABBN.S

Profile image for ABOUT YOU Holding SE

ABOUT YOU Holding SE Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-26, Meetings only, Selected others, Non-Food Retail, YOU GY, YOUG.DE

Profile image for AccorHotels

AccorHotels Company

Public Session: /
Hotel, Catering & Leisure, Selected Others, ACCP.PA, AC FP, 2024-09-24, Meetings only

Profile image for Adecco Group

Adecco Group Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-26, Meetings only, Switzerland, Support Services, ADEN SE, ADEN.S

Profile image for adidas

adidas Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-25, Meetings only, DAX, Consumer Durables, ADS GY, ADSGn.DE

Profile image for AIXTRON


Public Session: /
Semiconductors, MDAX, AIXGn.DE, AIXA GY, 2024-09-25, Meetings only

Profile image for AkzoNobel

AkzoNobel Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-24, Meetings only, Netherlands, Chemicals, AKZA NA, AKZO.AS

Profile image for All for One Group

All for One Group Company

Public Session: Forum 2
2024-09-24, Presentation & Meetings, Selected Others, IT Services, A1OS GY, A1OS.DE

Profile image for Allianz

Allianz Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-26, Meetings only, DAX, Insurance, ALV GY, ALVG.DE

Profile image for ALSO Holding AG

ALSO Holding AG Company

Public Session: Forum 2
2024-09-25, Presentation & Meetings, Switzerland, IT Services, ALSN SE, ALSN.S

Profile image for Alzchem Group AG

Alzchem Group AG Company

Public Session: Forum 2
2024-09-23, Presentation & Meetings, Selected Others, Chemicals, ACT GY, ACT1.DE

Profile image for AMAG

AMAG Company

Public Session: Forum 3
2024-09-26, Presentation & Meetings, Austria, Metals & Mining, AMAG AV, AMAV.VI

Profile image for ANDRITZ


Public Session: Forum 1
2024-09-24, Presentation & Meetings, Austria, Capital Goods, ANDR AV, ANDR.VI

Profile image for Aperam

Aperam Company

Public Session: Forum 2
Metals & Mining, Netherlands, APAM.AS, APAM NA, 2024-09-26, Fireside Chat & Meetings

Profile image for AP Moller-Maersk

AP Moller-Maersk Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-23, Meetings only, Selected others, Transport, MAERSKB DC, MAERSKb.CO

Profile image for Aroundtown

Aroundtown Company

Public Session: Forum 2
2024-09-24, Presentation & Meetings, MDAX, Real Estate, AT1 GY, AT1.DE

Profile image for ARYZTA

ARYZTA Company

Public Session: /
Food & Beverages, Switzerland, ARYN.S, ARYN SE, 2024-09-23, Meetings only

Profile image for ASMALLWORLD


Public Session: Forum 3
Media, Switzerland, ASWN.S, ASWN SE, 2024-09-25, Presentation & Meetings

Profile image for ASML

ASML Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-24, Meetings only, Selected others, Semiconductors, ASML NA, ASML.AS

Profile image for ATAI Life Sciences

ATAI Life Sciences Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-26, Meetings only , Switzerland, Pharma, ATAI UQ, ATAI.O

Profile image for Aurubis

Aurubis Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-26, Meetings only, MDAX, Metals & Mining, NDA GY, NAFG.DE

Profile image for Auto1

Auto1 Company

Public Session: Forum 2
Non-Food Retail, SDAX, AG1G.DE, AG1 GY, 2024-09-23, Presentation & Meetings

Profile image for Baader Bank AG

Baader Bank AG Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-23, Meetings only, Selected Others, Banks, BWB GY, BLMG.DE

Profile image for Baloise Holding

Baloise Holding Company

Public Session: Forum 1
Insurance, Switzerland, BALN.S, BALN SE, 2024-09-23, Presentation & Meetings

Profile image for Banco De Sabadell

Banco De Sabadell Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-23, Meetings only, Selected others, Banks, SAB SM, SABE.MC

Profile image for Barry Callebaut

Barry Callebaut Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-24, Meetings only, Switzerland, Food & Beverages, BARN SE, BARN.S

Profile image for Basilea

Basilea Company

Public Session: Forum 2
2024-09-23, Presentation & Meetings, Switzerland, Pharma, BSLN SE, BSLN.S

Profile image for BB Biotech

BB Biotech Company

Public Session: /
Pharma, Switzerland, BION.S, BION SE, 2024-09-24, Meetings only

Profile image for Bechtle

Bechtle Company

Public Session: Forum 1
2024-09-24, Fireside Chat & Meetings, MDAX, IT Services, BC8 GY, BC8G.DE

Profile image for Befesa

Befesa Company

Public Session: Forum 2
2024-09-25, Presentation & Meetings, MDAX, Support Services, BFSA GY, BFSA.DE

Profile image for Bilfinger

Bilfinger Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-26, Meetings only, MDAX, Capital Goods, GBF GY, GBFG.DE

bioMérieux Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-26, Meetings only, Selected others, Health, BIM FP, BIOX.PA

BMW Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-23, Meetings only, DAX, Autos, BMW GY, BMWG.DE

BRAIN Biotech AG Company

Public Session: Forum 2
Chemicals, Selected Others, BNNn.DE, BNN GY, 2024-09-23, Presentation & Meetings

Branicks Group Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-25, Meetings only, Selected others, Real Estate, BRNK GY, BRNKn.DE

Profile image for Brenntag

Brenntag Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-25, Meetings only, DAX, Chemicals, BNR GY, BNRGn.DE

Brockhaus Technologies AG Company

Public Session: /
IT Hardware, Selected others, BKHTn.DE, BKHT GY, 2024-09-25, Meetings only

Profile image for CA Immo

CA Immo Company

Public Session: /
Real Estate, Austria, CAIV.VI, CAI AV, 2024-09-25, Meetings only

Carlsberg Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-25, Meetings only, Denmark, Food & Beverages, CARLB DC, CARLb.CO


Public Session: Forum 1
2024-09-25, Presentation & Meetings, SDAX, Non-Food Retail, CEC GY, CECG.DE

Cembra Money Bank Company

Public Session: Forum 2
Banks, Switzerland, CMBN.S, CMBN SE, 2024-09-23, Presentation & Meetings

Profile image for CEWE

CEWE Company

Public Session: Forum 2
2024-09-25, Presentation & Meetings, SDAX, Consumer Durables, CWC GY, CWCG.DE

Profile image for Cicor Technologies

Cicor Technologies Company

Public Session: Forum 2
2024-09-23, Presentation & Meetings, Denmark, IT Hardware, CICN SE, CICN.S

Profile image for Colt CZ

Colt CZ Company

Public Session: Forum 1
2024-09-23, Presentation & Meetings, Selected others, Capital Goods, CZG CP, CZG.PR

COLTENE Holding AG Company

Public Session: Forum 2
2024-09-25, Presentation & Meetings, Switzerland, Health, CLTN SE, CLTN.S

COMET Group Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-24, Meetings only, Switzerland, IT Hardware, COTN SE, COTNE.S

Commerzbank Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-24, Meetings only, DAX, Banks, CBK GY, CBKG.DE

Continental Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-25, Meetings only, DAX, Autos, CON GY, CONG.DE

Covestro Company

Public Session: Forum 1
2024-09-23, Fireside Chat & Meetings, DAX, Chemicals, 1COV GY, 1COV.DE


Public Session: Forum 3
2024-09-24, Presentation & Meetings, Selected Others, IT Services, D6H GY, D6HG.DE

DEFAMA Company

Public Session: Forum 3
Real Estate, Selected others, DEF.DE, DEF GY, 2024-09-23, Presentation & Meetings

Profile image for DEMIRE

DEMIRE Company

Public Session: Forum 3
2024-09-25, Fireside Chat & Meetings, Selected Others, Real Estate, DMRE GY, DMRE.DE

Profile image for Deutsche Bank

Deutsche Bank Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-24, Meetings only, DAX, Banks, DBK GY, DBKGn.DE

Deutsche Beteiligungs AG Company

Public Session: Forum 3
Other Financials, SDAX, DBANn.DE, DBAN GY, 2024-09-23, Presentation & Meetings

Deutsche EuroShop Company

Public Session: Forum 2
2024-09-24, Fireside Chat & Meetings, SDAX, Real Estate, DEQ GY, DEQGn.DE

Profile image for Deutsche Lufthansa

Deutsche Lufthansa Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-23, Meetings only, MDAX, Transport, LHA GY, LHAG.DE

DHL Group Company

Public Session: Forum 1
2024-09-26, Presentation & Meetings, DAX, Transport, DHL GY, DHLn.DE

DKSH Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-23, Meetings only, Switzerland, Support Services, DKSH SE, DKSH.S

DocMorris Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-26, Meetings only, Switzerland, Non-Food Retail, DOCM SE, DOCM.S

Drägerwerk AG & Co KGaA Company

Public Session: Forum 2
2024-09-23, Presentation & Meetings, SDAX, Health, DRW3 GY, DRWG_p.DE

Dürr Company

Public Session: Forum 1
2024-09-24, Presentation & Meetings, SDAX, Capital Goods, DUE GY, DUEG.DE

Ebro Foods Company

Public Session: /
Food & Beverages, Spain, EBRO.MC, EBRO SM, 2024-09-25, Meetings only

Eckert & Ziegler Company

Public Session: Forum 2
2024-09-24, Presentation & Meetings, SDAX, Health, EUZ GY, EUZG.DE

EFG International Company

Public Session: /
Banks, Switzerland, EFGN.S, EFGN SE, 2024-09-23, Meetings only

EGYM AG Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-25, Meetings only

Elmos Semiconductor SE Company

Public Session: /
Semiconductors, SDAX, ELG.DE, ELG GY, 2024-09-24, Meetings only

E.on Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-26, Meetings only, DAX, Utilities, EOAN GY, EONGn.DE

Equinor Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-26, Meetings only, Selected Others, Oils, EQNR NO, EQNR.OL

Fielmann Group Company

Public Session: Forum 2
Non-Food Retail, SDAX, FIEG.DE, FIE GY, 2024-09-24, Presentation & Meetings

flatexDEGIRO AG Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-24, Meetings only , SDAX, Other Financials, FTK GY, FTKn.DE

Flughafen Wien Company

Public Session: Forum 3
Transport, Austria, VIEV.VI, FLU AV, 2024-09-25, Meetings only

Flughafen Zürich Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-23, Meetings only, Switzerland, Infrastructure, FHZN SE, FHZN.S

freenet Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-24, Meetings only, MDAX, Telecoms, FNTN GY, FNTGn.DE

Fresenius Company

Public Session: /
Health, DAX, FREG.DE, FRE GY, 2024-09-23, Meetings only

FUCHS Company

Public Session: Forum 2
2024-09-26, Fireside Chat & Meetings, MDAX, Chemicals, FPE3 GY, FPE3_p.DE

Georg Fischer Company

Public Session: Forum 2
2024-09-24, Presentation & Meetings, Switzerland, Capital Goods, GF SE, GF.S

Gerresheimer AG Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-24, Meetings only, MDAX, Health, GXI GY, GXIG.DE

GESCO SE Company

Public Session: Forum 3
2024-09-24, Presentation & Meetings, Selected others, Capital Goods, GSC1 GY, GSC1n.DE

Global Fashion Group Company

Public Session: Forum 3
2024-09-23, Presentation & Meetings, Selected others, Non-Food Retail, GFG GY, GFG.DE

Grand City Properties Company

Public Session: Forum 2
2024-09-25, Presentation & Meetings, SDAX, Real Estate, GYC GY, GYC.DE

grenke AG Company

Public Session: Forum 2
2024-09-24, Presentation & Meetings, SDAX, Other financials, GLJ GY, GLJn.DE


Public Session: Forum 3
2024-09-24, Fireside Chat & Meetings, SDAX, Real Estate, HABA GY, HABAn.DE

Hannover Rück SE Company

Public Session: /
Insurance, DAX, HNRGn.DE, HNR1 GY, 2024-09-24, Meetings only

Hapag-Lloyd Aktiengesellschaft Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-25, Meetings only, Selected others, Transport, HLAG GY, HLAG.DE

HBM Healthcare Investments Company

Public Session: Forum 2
2024-09-25, Presentation & Meetings, Switzerland, Other Financials, HBMN SE, HBMN.S

Heidelberger Druck Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-25, Presentation & Meetings, SDAX, Capital Goods, HDD GY, HDDG.DE


Public Session: /
2024-09-25, Meetings only, MDAX, Aerospace-Defence, HAG GY, HAGG.DE


Public Session: /
2024-09-25, Meetings only, MDAX, Infrastructure, HOT GY, HOTG.DE

HomeToGo SE Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-23, Meetings only, Selected Others, Hotel, Catering & Leisure, HTG GY, HTGG.DE

HORNBACH Holding Company

Public Session: Forum 1
2024-09-25, Presentation & Meetings, SDAX, Non-Food Retail, HBH GY, HBH.DE


Public Session: /
Consumer Durables, MDAX, BOSSn.DE, BOSS GY, 2024-09-25, Meetings only

Hypoport Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-25, Meetings only, MDAX, Other Financials, HYQ GY, HYQGn.DE

Iberdrola Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-25, Meetings only, Selected others, Utilities, IBE SM, IBE.MC

Idorsia Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-23, Meetings only, Switzerland, Pharma, IDIA SE, IDIA.S

Infineon Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-24, Meetings only, DAX, Semiconductors, IFX GY, IFXGn.DE

Instone Real Estate Group SE Company

Public Session: Forum 3
2024-09-24, Presentation & Meetings, Selected Others, Real Estate, INS GY, INS2.DE

IONOS Group SE Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-25, Meetings only, SDAX, Software, IOS GY, IOSn.DE

Jenoptik Company

Public Session: Forum 1
2024-09-23, Presentation & Meetings, MDAX, Capital Goods, JEN GY, JENGn.DE

JOST Werke Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-26, Meetings only, SDAX, Capital Goods, JST GY, JST.DE

Jungfraubahn Holding Company

Public Session: Forum 2
2024-09-23, Presentation & Meetings, Switzerland, Transport, JFN SE, JFN.S

Jungheinrich Company

Public Session: Forum 1
2024-09-23, Fireside Chat & Meetings, MDAX, Capital Goods, JUN3 GY, JUNG_p.DE

KION Group Company

Public Session: /
Capital Goods, MDAX, KGX.DE, KGX GY, 2024-09-24, Meetings only

Klöckner & Co Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-25, Meetings only, SDAX, Metals & Mining, KCO GR, KCOGn.DE

Knaus Tabbert Company

Public Session: Forum 2
2024-09-25, Presentation & Meetings, Selected others, Consumer Durables, KTA GY, KTAG.DE

Knorr-Bremse Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-24, Meetings only, MDAX, Capital Goods, KBX GY, KBX.DE

Koenig & Bauer Company

Public Session: Forum 3
2024-09-26, Presentation & Meetings, Selected others, Capital Goods, SKB GY, SKBG.DE

Profile image for Komax

Komax Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-24, Meetings only, Switzerland, Capital Goods, KOMN SE, KOMN.S

Kontron AG Company

Public Session: Forum 2
IT Services, SDAX, KTN.DE, KTN GY, 2024-09-24, Presentation & Meetings

Krones Company

Public Session: Forum 1
2024-09-26, Presentation & Meetings, MDAX, Capital Goods, KRN GY, KRNG.DE

K+S Company

Public Session: Forum 1
2024-09-26, Presentation & Meetings, MDAX, Chemicals, SDF GY, SDFGn.DE

Landis+Gyr Group AG Company

Public Session: Forum 1
Capital Goods, Switzerland, LANDI.S, LAND SE, 2024-09-23, Fireside Chat & Meetings


Public Session: /
2024-09-26, Meetings only, MDAX, Chemicals, LXS GY, LXSG.DE

lastminute.com Company

Public Session: Forum 3
2024-09-25, Presentation & Meetings, Switzerland, Hotel, Catering & Leisure, LMN SE, LMN.S

LEG Immobilien Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-24, Meetings only, MDAX, Real Estate, LEG GY, LEGn.DE

Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft Company

Public Session: /
Chemicals, Austria, LENV.VI, LNZ AV, 2024-09-26, Meetings only

Profile image for Leonteq AG

Leonteq AG Company

Public Session: Forum 3
2024-09-26, Presentation & Meetings, Switzerland, Other Financials, LEON SE, LEON.S

Linde plc Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-26, Meetings only, Selected Others, Chemicals, LIN US, LIN.O

Mayr-Melnhof Karton Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-25, Meetings only, Austria, Paper & Packaging, MMK AV, MMKV.VI

Medigene Company

Public Session: Forum 3
Pharma, Selected others, MDG1k.DE, MDG1 GY, 2024-09-25, Presentation & Meetings

Mélia Hotels International Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-25, Meetings only, Selected others, Hotel, Catering & Leisure, MEL SM, MEL.MC

Mensch und Maschine Software Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-25, Meetings only, Selected Others, Software, MUM GY, MUMG.DE

MERCK Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-25, Meetings only, DAX, Pharma, MRK GY, MRCG.DE

METRO AG Company

Public Session: Forum 2
2024-09-25, Presentation & Meetings, SDAX, Food Retail, B4B GY, B4B.DE

Profile image for Mister Spex

Mister Spex Company

Public Session: Forum 3
2024-09-23, Presentation & Meetings, Selected Others, Non-Food Retail, MRX GY, MRXG.DE

MTU Aero Engines Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-23, Meetings only, DAX, Aerospace-Defence, MTX GY, MTXGn.DE

Nabaltec Company

Public Session: Forum 3
2024-09-24, Presentation & Meetings, Selected Others, Chemicals, NTG GY, NTGG.DE


Public Session: Forum 1
2024-09-25, Fireside Chat & Meetings, MDAX, Software, NEM GY, NEKG.DE

Nestlé Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-24, Meetings only, Switzerland, Food & Beverages, NESN SE, NESN.S

NFON AG Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-24, Meetings only, Selected Others, Software, NFN GY, NFN.DE

NORMA Group Company

Public Session: Forum 2
Capital Goods, SDAX, NOEJ.DE, NOEJ GY, 2024-09-26, Presentation & Meetings

Northern Data Company

Public Session: Forum 3
IT Services, Selected Others, NB2.DE, NB2 GY, 2024-09-23, Presentation & Meetings

Novartis Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-26, Meetings only, Switzerland, Pharma, NOVN SE, NOVN.S

Profile image for OMV

OMV Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-26, Meetings only, Austria, Oils, OMV AV, OMVV.VI

Österreichische Post AG Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-23, Meetings only, Austria, Transport, POST AV, POST.VI


Public Session: Forum 3
2024-09-26, Presentation & Meetings, Austria, Capital Goods, PAL AV, PALF.VI

Paris Aéroport Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-23, Meetings only, France, Infrastructure, ADP FP, ADP.PA

Partners Group Company

Public Session: Forum 1
2024-09-24, Presentation & Meetings, Switzerland, Other Financials, PGHN SE, PGHN.S


Public Session: Forum 3
2024-09-26, Presentation & Meetings, SDAX, Real Estate, PAT GY, PATGn.DE

pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-23, Meetings only, Selected Others, Banks, PBB GY, PBBG.DE

Phoenix Mecano AG Company

Public Session: Forum 1
Capital Goods, Switzerland, PMN.S, PMN SE, 2024-09-25, Presentation & Meetings

PNE Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-26, Meetings only, SDAX, Capital Goods, PNE3 GY, PNEGn.DE


Public Session: /
2024-09-24, Meetings only, Austria, Autos, PYT AV, POLV.VI

Porsche SE Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-25, Meetings only, DAX, Other Financials, PAH3 GY, PSHG_p.DE

ProSiebenSat.1 Media Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-25, Meetings only, SDAX, Media, PSM GY, PSMGn.DE

PSP Swiss Property Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-24, Meetings only, Switzerland, Real Estate, PSPN SE, PSPN.S

PUMA Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-25, Meetings only, MDAX, Consumer Durables, PUM GY, PUMG.DE

Quantron AG Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-25, Meetings only, Selected others, Autos, 7069325Z GR

Raiffeisen Bank International Company

Public Session: /
Banks, Austria, RBIV.VI, RBI AV, 2024-09-23, Meetings only


Public Session: /
Capital Goods, MDAX, RAAG.DE, RAA GY, 2024-09-26, Meetings only

Redcare Pharmacy Company

Public Session: Forum 2
2024-09-26, Presentation & Meetings, MDAX, Non-Food Retail, RDC GY, RDC.DE

Renault Company

Public Session: Forum 2
2024-09-26, Presentation & Meetings, Selected Others, Autos, RNO FP, RENA.PA

RENK Group AG Company

Public Session: Forum 1
2024-09-23, Fireside Chat & Meetings, SDAX, Capital Goods, R3NK GY, R3NK.DE

Profile image for Repsol

Repsol Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-24, Meetings only, Spain, Oils, REP SM, REP.MC

Rheinmetall Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-26, Meetings only, DAX, Aerospace-Defence, RHM GY, RHMG.DE

Rieter Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-23, Meetings only, Switzerland, Capital Goods, RIEN SE, RIEN.S

Roche Holding Company

Public Session: Forum 1
2024-09-23, Presentation & Meetings, Switzerland, Pharma, ROG SE, ROG.S

Rosenbauer Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-26, Meetings only, Austria, Capital Goods, ROS AV, RBAV.VI

R&S Group Company

Public Session: Forum 3
2024-09-23, Presentation & Meetings, Switzerland, Capital Goods, RSGN SE, RSGN.S

RWE Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-23, Meetings only, DAX, Utilities, RWE GY, RWEG.DE

SAF-Holland Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-26, Meetings only, SDAX, Autos, SFQ GY, SFQ.DE

Salzgitter Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-23, Meetings only, SDAX, Metals & Mining, SZG GY, SZGG.DE

SAP Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-25, Meetings only, DAX, Software, SAP GY, SAPG.DE

Sartorius Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-25, Meetings only, DAX, Health, SRT3 GY, SATG_p.DE

sbm Offshore Company

Public Session: /
Oils, Selected others, SBMO.AS, SBMO NA, 2024-09-23, Meetings only

Schaeffler Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-26, Meetings only, SDAX, Autos, SHA GY, SHA_p.DE

Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-26, Meetings only, Austria, Capital Goods, SBO AV, SBOE.VI


Public Session: /
2024-09-26, Meetings only, MDAX, Pharma, 1SXP GY, 1SXP.DE

Semperit Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-25, Meetings only, Austria, Capital Goods, SEM AV, SMPV.VI


Public Session: /
2024-09-25, Meetings only, SDAX, Chemicals, SGL GY, SGCG.DE

Shelly Group PLC Company

Public Session: Forum 2
IT Hardware, Selected others, SLYG.BB, SLYG BU, 2024-09-23, Presentation & Meetings

Profile image for Siemens

Siemens Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-26, Meetings only, DAX, Capital Goods, SIE GY, SIEGn.DE

Siemens Energy Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-25, Meetings only, DAX, Capital Goods, ENR GY, ENR1n.DE

Sika Company

Public Session: Forum 1
2024-09-24, Fireside Chat & Meetings, Switzerland, Building Prod. & Materials, SIKA SE, SIKA.S

Siltronic AG Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-25, Meetings only, MDAX, Chemicals, WAF GY, WAFGn.DE

Sixt SE Company

Public Session: Forum 1
2024-09-26, Presentation & Meetings, SDAX, Transport, SIX2 GY, SIXG.DE

SoftwareONE Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-24, Meetings only, Switzerland, IT Services, SWON SE, SWON.S

SOLVAY Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-25, Meetings only, Selected others, Chemicals, SOLB BB, SOLB.BR

Sopra Steria Group Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-24, Meetings only, Selected others, IT Services, SOP FP, SOPR.PA

SSAB Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-25, Meetings only, Selected others, Metals & Mining, SSABA SS, SSABa.ST

Stabilus Company

Public Session: Forum 1
2024-09-24, Fireside Chat & Meetings, MDAX, Capital Goods, STM GY, STM1.DE

StarragTornos Group AG Company

Public Session: Forum 3
2024-09-23, Presentation & Meetings, Switzerland, Capital Goods, STGN SE, STGN.S

Ströer SE & Co. KGaA Company

Public Session: Forum 1
Media, MDAX, SAXG.DE, SAX GY, 2024-09-24, Fireside Chat & Meetings

Swissquote Group Holding Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-23, Meetings only, Switzerland, Other Financials, SQN SE, SQN.S

Swiss Re Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-24, Meetings only, Switzerland, Insurance, SREN SE, SRENH.S

Profile image for Symrise

Symrise Company

Public Session: Forum 1
2024-09-24, Fireside Chat & Meetings, DAX, Chemicals, SY1 GY, SY1G.DE

TAG Immobilien Company

Public Session: Forum 2
2024-09-24, Presentation & Meetings, MDAX, Real Estate, TEG GY, TEGG.DE

Talanx Company

Public Session: /
Insurance, MDAX, TLXGn.DE, TLX GY, 2024-09-24, Meetings only

thyssenkrupp Company

Public Session: Forum 1
2024-09-26, Fireside Chat & Meetings, MDAX, Metals & Mining, TKA GY, TKAG.DE

Profile image for thyssenkrupp nucera

thyssenkrupp nucera Company

Public Session: Forum 1
2024-09-25, Fireside Chat & Meetings, SDAX, TBD, NCH2 GY, NCH2.DE

TUI Group Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-26, Meetings only, MDAX, Hotel, Catering & Leisure, TUI1 GY, TUI1n.DE

u-blox Company

Public Session: /
IT Hardware, Switzerland, UBXN S, UBXN SE, 2024-09-26, Meetings only

UNIQA Insurance Group AG Company

Public Session: Forum 3
2024-09-25, Presentation & Meetings, Austria, Insurance, UQA AV, UNIQ.VI

United Internet Company

Public Session: /
Telecoms, MDAX, UTDI.DE, UTDI GY, 2024-09-24, Meetings only

VAT Group Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-26, Meetings only, Switzerland, Capital Goods, VACN SE, VACN.S

Verve Group SE (form. MGI - Media and Games Invest SE) Company

Public Session: Forum 3
Software, Selected Others, M8G, VER SS, 2024-09-23, Presentation & Meetings

Vienna Insurance Group Company

Public Session: /
2024-09-24, Meetings only, Austria, Insurance, VIG AV, VIGR.VI